Summer Week: 7 road trip essentials

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Although we haven't traveled much in the last few years, my family used to be the masters of road trips. Remember my play-by-play of our classic adventures? Or that time we got stuck on the famed Blue Ridge Parkway? Well, the times spent in our tiny car -- a car filled to the brim with suitcases and bags and my wheelchair -- are some of my favorite childhood memories. My philosophy? All children should experience the joys of a good road trip at least once in their life. It builds character. It strengthens bonds. And at the very least, it makes for good writing material (and maybe therapy topics?) as an adult. So, to that end, I give you my top 6 picks for the classic road trip...
What do you think of this list, friends? Anything you'd add? Do you take many road trips? What's been your favorite adventure? Any advice for summer travelers? Do share!! xoxo

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