My new smartphone: What are your favorite apps? (And, yes! I'm on Instagram!)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Well, friends, it's quite the big day for me! One word: New smartphone! My faithful Blackberry served me well for some three years, but it was time to move on up in the technological world. Getting a new phone is big for me; I mean, you all know about my tenuous relationship with change.

But! I'm jumping in -- or, I'm trying to, at least. I'm finally catching up with the rest of the universe and joining Instagram. You can follow all my adventures here (my IG is melissablake81), and I'm so excited to probably get addicted to it.
My new Samsung Galaxy smartphone is all shiny and pretty, but other than Instagram, I still have it programmed to all the factory settings. I feel a bit lost and overwhelmed (is that how people felt when the Internet first came along?). There's just so much you can do on these phones; it's pretty wild. I'd love to add some fun apps, and would love to hear your recommendations. Which ones are your favorite? Which ones do you use most often? Thanks, and I'll see you on Instagram, friends! xoxo

P.S. OH! And don't forget to let me know your IG so I can follow you!! :)

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