Fashion Friday: 6 pretty iPhone cases

Friday, June 14, 2013

Breaking news: I'm moving on up, friends! Well, at least when it comes to the world of smartphones. Yes, tomorrow, I'll be rocking a new piece of bling!! Granted, it won't be as sleek or as fancy as an iPhone, but it will most certainly be a step up from my old Blackberry (read: Instagram, anyone?), and I can finally start using those cool things called Apps that all the young people are talking about these days. And, because a phone can also be the perfect fashion accessory, here are 6 pretty cases I've got my eyes on...

1. Kate Spade New York Chit Chat, $40
2. Kate Spade gold polka dots, $40
3. Pink lined polka dots, $35
4. Forest flowers by Rifle Paper Co., $36
5. Hello Hello by Rifle Paper Co., $36
6. UP, $35

So, friends, which one is your favorite? These do come in regular smartphone sizes, right? xoxo

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