Summer Week: 6 ways to feel like a kid again

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy first day of summer, friends! Ahh, the summers of youth -- those long, lazy days spent playing and frolicking and laughing until your sides hurt. These days seemed to last forever. Until, well, they didn't. Somewhere along the way, you grew up (how did that happen...?), and the summer months lost that special spark of magic. It all leaves you with a very unsettled feeling.

I've been thinking a lot about my childhood summers lately. I'll be going about my day, and waves of nostalgia will just come over me -- sometimes, from out of nowhere. So, this summer, more than anything, I'd love to recapture that feeling of child-like enthusiasm. I know what you're thinking: "Melissa, you can't recapture you're childhood. Don't you know that? Once it's gone, it's gone." Of course I know that, but who's to say we can't enjoy those things that made our childhood summers so special? Still don't believe me? Here are 8 childhood classics to get you in a summer mood...
*A summertime temporary tattoo, $5 for set of two.
*A pint of Jeni's famously delicious ice cream, $12 (if you're feeling adventurous, here are the 20 best recipes for homemade ice cream).
*A classic paddle ball to see if you can still beat your childhood record, $2.59.
*Colorful sidewalk chalk to make your driveway pretty, $6.69.
*Bouncy balls because you used to spend hours seeing how high you could make it bounce, $4.91.
*An old-fashioned kite that reminds you of all the good summer afternoons with your father, $12.99.

Do you miss being a kid in the summer? What was your favorite part? Any toy or games you loved? Let's get a bit nostalgic, shall we, friends? xoxo

[Top photo via We Heart It, edited by me]

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